With over 35 years of breeding, training, and showing quarter horses in northern Utah and southern Idaho, we pride ourselves on being able to selectively breed some of the finest pedigrees in the country for conformation, disposition, athleticism, and all around ability so that our horses can be used in a variety of disciplines with success. Horses we have trained have gone on to do very well in the show arena and have even won high point all around honors at AQHA shows. We have also barrel raced horses that we’ve bred in the Inter Mountain Pro Rodeo Association (IMPRA) in Idaho and the Cowboys Rodeo Commission in Utah.
5 year old AQHA stallion Meradaszippyjacklena (IMA Cassie Jack x Ricochets Sue)We have either produced our own brood stock or purchased them at a very young age. Typically, we start training and riding our broodmares at the age of 2-3 years old depending on their size and level of physical development. We then put as many miles on them as possible before the age of 4 when they begin a career as broodmares. They usually remain in the band of broodmares until the fall of their 13th year. At which time, we refresh their training and sell them in their prime as performance, pleasure, or even 4-H horses. We believe that this approach provides us with fantastic broodmares with amazing bloodlines and results in a mature horse with an outstanding foundation, which will serve them and perspective future owners well while preserving the health and longevity of the horse. Our broodmares come from a long list of remarkable horses that include Peptoboonsmal, Meradas Little Sue, Doc Olena, Two Eyed Jack, Smart Little Lena, High Brow Cat, Doc Quixote, Doc Tari, Sonny Dee Bar, Shining Spark, Dual Pep, and Poco Bueno to name a few.
Amy and Baileys Divot ran barrels in the IMPRA and CRCOur stallions were carefully chosen for conformation, temperament, pedigree and color in order to obtain the best possible pairings with individual broodmares. Additionally, our stallions have been bred for either cutting, reining, roping, or all around performance and include bloodlines that lead to greats such as Zippo Pine Bar, Zan Parr Bar, Two Eyed Jack, Dual Pep, Smart Little Lena, Meradas Little Sue, and Doc Olena. All our stallions are used as our primary using horses and have amazing dispositions, even during the breeding season when their libidos are high. Finally, we make every attempt to insure that horses we produce with are 5 panel N/N to eliminate the perpetuation of diseases in our foal crop.